I first picked up Persona 5 Royal at the end of 2022. That was my first mistake. The following two weeks comprised of me playing the game nonstop, until I finished my first playthrough.
The main thing that I had heard about the game is that it is 'the game with the good ui'. But like, c'mon man. It's so much more than that.

My favorite characters from P5R are Futaba and Ann. On my first play through, I chose to romance Ann. She is so strong, emotionally and literally (she carries my team lol) and my gf forever so so back off!) I also really enjoy her development through her story in her social link.
Futaba, on the other hand, is a character that I feel like I can relate to. Her story of social isolation is something that I experience, and I think the way they handled the topic was well thought out.
I appreciate that the characters that interact with Futaba never make fun of her for her struggles with socializing. As someone who grew up 'shy', I was often pushed far outside my comfort zone for the sake of others, taking my own comfort for granted. The way that her friends make sure the things they do are things that she is comfortable with, or at least open to trying.

I picked up Persona 4 Golden early 2023. After playing Persona 5, I already knew
that 4 was going to be older (aka. worse quality). However, I was pleasantly suprised
with the game. On my first playthrough, I decided to romance Rise (can you see I have
an affinity to Lovers Arcana characters). I really enjoy her character (and she's super
cute)! I really enjoyed her development throughout her story, and I enjoy how it resolves.
♡ Other Favs ♡