small white flower small white flower



Hello! This is a HTML/CSS theme created by 5493 Arts! This theme is free to use and modify to fit your needs; just please don't remove the footer!

I have annotated the code in this theme to explain certain things to better your understanding of how it is set up. I would highly recommend that you customize this theme to your liking; to learn more about HTML/CSS, please refer to a source like W3 Schools or MDN Web Docs.

This theme is built with grids. If you are unfamiliar with grids, please check out a source like W3 Schools explanation of grid layouts.

This theme uses Pixel Operator, a public domain font available on dafont. If you would like to use the same font, please download the font from the link above, and find the TrueType font files names 'PixelOperator.tff' and 'PixelOperator-Bold.tff'.

This theme is also mobile responsive. However, the flowers that appear on the desktop version disappear on mobile, due to the fixed positioning of these elements. Therefore, it is recommended that you urge the viewers of your site to view it on desktop.